Python staticmethod() built-in function

From the Python 3 documentation

Transform a method into a static method.

The @staticmethod is a function decorator that will transform a class method into a static method that functions in a similar behavior to a C++ or other oop language static methods.

You can turn a class method into a static method by applying the @staticmethod decorator to a function in a class. For example:

>>> class C:
>>>    @staticmethod
>>>    def function(): ....

Static methods can be called on the class itself like

>>> class Class:
>>>    @staticmethod
>>>    def function():
>>>        print("X")
>>> Class.function()
>>> # X

Or on an instance of the class like

>>> class Class:
>>>    @staticmethod
>>>    def function():
>>>        print("X")
>>> new_class = Class()
>>> new_class.function()
>>> # X

The @staticmethod is in the form of a decorator the basics being it is a function that will return another function. This will be documented at a later time.

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